Integrated Voting Systems, Inc. (IVS) is a national leader in providing proven methods and technologies to the election service industry with Operations Center in Cleveland, Ohio and headquarters in Dinuba, California. IVS personnel has over 100 years of election experience and have successfully managed the delivery of over 38 million election ballots and over 15 million Vote-By-Mail (VBM) packets throughout the United States. The staff of IVS have been the catalysts for some of the most sweeping changes in ballot printing and vote-by-mail technologies. IVS has developed 100% digital solutions to merge variable data elements to static ballot artwork at the prepress level. Today’s election world is data driven so IVS uses a proprietary prepress process to create a one to one match with full audit control.
IVS uses Camera Matching and Auditing Technology for Vote-By-Mail Packets as elections are one of the few zero error industries in the world today. This level of scrutiny must be matched with equally exacting printing and ballot matching procedures. IVS has designed and developed unique digital solutions that provide one-to-one matching of voter and ballot style. This assures that every voter gets the right ballot, no duplicates, and provides a complete chain of custody of election materials, while providing a seamless audit trail optimizing mailing to maximize USPS postage savings.

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